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ILCO CLE Presentations

ILCO offers Continuing Legal Education presentations in a variety of formats: Full Day, Half Day or Lunch & Learn.

These presentations are open to members and non-members. Currently you may attend our CLEs via webcast only (Zoom).

REFUND POLICY: Please note that there is no refund after the 'withdraw date' and once you receive the webinar Zoom link and material. Please also note that there is no refund or Zoom link provided should you not attend the CLE.

CLE POLICIES: Please note that CLE recordings are not provided on an individual basis under any circumstance. Sharing of the Webinar Zoom link is strictly prohibited. The CLE Zoom webinar link is for single use only and is not to be shared. 

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Please ensure to join the Zoom webinar using the same name as the registered name used at the time of purchase. Failure to do so may result in removal from the session.

Current and Upcoming Presentations

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Past Presentations

To view a list of past presentations offered for purchase please click here.