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Exam Format

DATE: MARCH 20th, 2025

REGISTRATION STATUS: Time: 1:00PM-6:00PM EST time window. Exam duration is 2.5 hours.




All Associate Provincial Examinations are closed book with the exception of Litigation. The exam will be completed via QuestionMark, an online delivery platform. This exam will be proctored by ILCO via Zoom. An email will be sent to each test taker in advance of the exam date providing them with the Zoom link and instructions on how to access the exam via the online exam delivery platform.

  • Technical Considerations

    The technical requirements for an exam candidate to take an online exam with a live proctor are found on most computers. No proprietary hardware or software is required. The minimum set of requirements is identified here and includes the basic requirement for internet access:

    1.      Photo Identification must be a valid government-issued ID (Driver’s License, Passport).  Any exceptions will need to be approved by The Institute of Law Clerks of Ontario ("ILCO") prior to your exam.

    2.       A well-working computer with a minimal 1 GB of RAM.  Chromebooks/Tablets are not permitted.

    3.       A reliable high-speed internet connection (Minimal 4Mbps Download and 2 Mbps upload).

    **Note that a wireless internet connection is not recommended.  ILCO will not be responsible for disconnection issues due to insufficient bandwidth.

    4.       Any webcam with 720p (1280×720) video pixel resolution (a laptop camera is acceptable).

    5.       Only 1 monitor to be used.

    6.       Working speakers connected to the computer.

    7.       A microphone connected to the computer (consider a webcam with a built-in microphone).

    8.       Permission to connect to your computer.

    9.       A browser with pop-up blocker disabled.

    10.     Adobe Flash is null effective Dec 2020.  Mac and PC's do not use the Flash extension anymore.

    PC: Latest Chrome version (2022 is version 98).  Internet Explorer is no longer a supported browser.

    Mac: Safari 8+Newer versions work as well as they are constantly upgrading.

    Ensure firewalls are disabled.  We recommend using a personal computer as a work computer may provide additional security (or contact your IT Dept.).

    Clear desk area with no papers, books or notes (unless otherwise stated for the exam to be taken). Camera and Microphone are to be turned on throughout the entirety of the exam.


DATE: Saturday July 19, 2025 - Time TBA

The Alternate Exam will be held in person at the ILCO office located at 20 Adelaide St E #502, Toronto, ON M5C 2T6.